Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the estimated response time when requesting the warranty?

When receiving the warranty format you’ll receive a call from our warranty personnel inside a period of 24 hours, response time will vary depending on whether the information requested by our support and warranty personnel has been received from who’s requesting the warranty. 

What’s the procedure to make valid my unit’s warranty?

To process the warranty you’ll have to access the warranty tab on our website, where you’ll find a format, please fill in each field that is requested.

In case of electric shock is warranty lost?

Warranty doesn’t cover damage caused by electric shock. It’s recommended to add a physical ground to your installation to minimize damage caused by electric shock or voltage variations. 

When isn’t the warranty made valid?

When the product is used on conditions different than the normal ones. When the unit isn’t operated in accordance with the operation manual that’s included.

Is the warranty lost if personnel external to Intensity installs the unit?
The installations have to be made by properly trained personnel, because in case it’s determined that the system’s failure was caused by an improper installation, warranty is invalidated. When system failure isn’t related to the installation, and the warranty is made valid if it’s inside the warranty period.
Sales and support 812 351 1816